Long Ball

Long Ball

Football-themed casino game with exciting gameplay, special features, high RTP, and mobile compatibility.
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Long Ball is an exciting new game from Non Gamstop Casino that is meant to bring football fans the thrill of the game right to their fingers. The simple but fun controls of this game make it stand out. They make you feel like you’re really in the game when you score a long-range goal. Bets can be made and players can watch as the ball moves across the field. The excitement builds until the ball either makes it to the goal or is stopped. People like this game because it has easy-to-understand rules and big payouts—multipliers that can go as high as 1000 times the original bet.

Long Ball is made to be both easy to learn and exciting to play. One 10-second timer breaks up each round, giving players plenty of time to place their bets and get ready for the next interesting part. The fact that players can cash out at any time before the ball is intercepted adds a strategic factor and helps them protect their winnings and keep their risk under control. This feature is great for both careful and risk-taking players because it gives them options and control over what happens.

Long Ball has some special features, like the ability to bet on two things at the same time, a top-100 leaderboard for competitive play, and an engaging chat system for getting to know other people. These features make the game experience better by adding more movement and interaction. With an impressive Return to Player (RTP) rate of 96%, the game is built on a method that can be shown to be transparent and fair. This high RTP is a big draw for people who want to play safe and rewarding Non Gamstop Casino games. In general, Long Ball is one of the best Non Gamstop Casino games because it is a great mix of fun, strategy, and fair play.

Key Takeaways

1. Exciting Gameplay: Long Ball offers a thrilling gaming experience that mimics the excitement of football, with simple yet engaging mechanics that keep players entertained.

2. Special Features: The game’s special features, including the Two Bets option, Top-100 Leaderboard, Chat Functionality, and Autoplay and Quick Bets, add depth and excitement to the gameplay, enhancing the overall experience.

3. Fairness and Transparency: Long Ball ensures fairness and transparency through its provably fair system and high Return to Player (RTP) rate, providing players with confidence in the integrity of the game.

4. User-Friendly Design: With an intuitive interface, seamless mobile compatibility, and responsive design, Long Ball offers a user-friendly experience that caters to players’ preferences and needs.

5. Social Interaction: The chat functionality allows players to communicate with each other, share achievements, and celebrate wins in real-time, adding a social dimension to the gameplay and enhancing the overall experience.
6. Convenience: Long Ball’s autoplay feature and quick bet options provide convenience for players who prefer a faster, more streamlined gaming experience, allowing them to set predefined rounds to play automatically or rapidly change their bet amounts with a single click.

Game Overview

One of the best Non Gamstop Casino games is Long Ball, which combines the excitement of football with fun ways to bet. Bets are made and players follow a computer football as it moves toward the goal. It’s hard to say when to cash out before the ball is intercepted because the multipliers go up the longer the ball stays in play, with payouts of up to 1000 times the original bet possible.

With a 10-second betting window between rounds, the game is meant to be easy to learn and fun to play quickly. This makes sure that the game moves quickly and keeps players alert. One unique thing about Long Ball is that you can place two bets at the same time. This lets you use different strategies and improve your chances of winning. The interactive chat system makes the game more social by letting players talk to each other and share their successes.

   – Theme and Atmosphere

Long Ball brings to life the excitement of a football game, giving players at Non Gamstop Casino a unique and fun experience. Bringing the intensity of football to the world of online games, the game is based on the thrill and expectation of long-shot goals. The graphics are sleek and bright, and there is a virtual football field that makes players feel like they are really in the game. There are cheers from the crowd and accurate ball sounds that make each round feel like a real match (sound effects).

The interface of the game is made to be simple and easy to use, so players can quickly switch between the different features. The bright colors and moving animations make the game fun to play and look good. It has a lively and immersive atmosphere that captures the high stakes and energy of football. Long Ball isn’t just a betting game because of this; it’s also an event that football fans and casino players can enjoy.

The chat function of the game adds a social element by letting players talk to each other and share their wins. This builds a sense of community and competition, which makes the environment better overall. Realistic sound effects, moving graphics, and interactive elements all work together to make an interesting world that players keep coming back to.

How to Play Long Ball?

In a Non Gamstop Casino, playing Long Ball is easy and fun, and it’s made so that both new and expert players can enjoy it. To begin, choose how much you want to bet and click the Bet button. You can place your bet for the next round during the 10-second break between rounds if you join a game in the middle of a round. As soon as the round starts, a virtual football starts its trip towards the goal. The further the ball goes, the more money you could win.

The Cash Out button is very important in Long Ball. At any point during the ball’s flight, you can choose to cash out and get your money. Your bet is lost if you wait too long and the other team gets the ball. This makes it more smart because you have to figure out when the best time is to cash out based on how much risk you are willing to take and how much you could win.

You can place two bets in a single round, which is something that only Long Ball lets you do. These bets can be for different amounts of money, and you can cash them out at different times, which gives you more ways to win. There is also an option called “auto cash out,” which lets you set a certain multiplier at which point your winnings will be cashed out immediately.

Long Ball has a chat function that lets you talk to other people and a detailed bet history that lets you see how you’re doing. The game also has autoplay, which lets you set a number of plays that will be made automatically and end when certain conditions are met.

Long Ball is a great game for Non Gamstop Casino players because it has easy rules and a strategic way of playing. To increase your chances of winning and enjoy the thrill of the game, you can place bets, time your cash outs, and use special features.

You Can Play Here!


1500 €/$



1500 €/$



1400 €/$



1500 €/$



500 €/$



5000 USDT/€



1500 €/$


1850 €/$



500 €/$



1500 €/$



250 FS






1500 €/$



500 €/$



1500 €/$


Special Features of Long Ball Game

The Chat Functionality adds a social dimension to Long Ball. Players can communicate with each other, share their achievements, and celebrate wins in real-time. This interactive feature helps build a community of players, making the gaming experience more enjoyable and connected. Whether you’re congratulating a fellow player or sharing your latest big win, the chat feature keeps the social aspect alive.

Autoplay and Quick Bets are designed for convenience and efficiency. With Autoplay, you can set a predefined number of rounds to play automatically, along with conditions for stopping, such as reaching a certain win or loss limit. Quick Bets allow you to rapidly change your bet amounts with a single click, ensuring you can adapt swiftly to the game’s pace. These features are particularly useful for players who prefer a faster, more streamlined gaming experience.

The special features of Long Ball – including the Two Bets feature, Top-100 Leaderboard, Chat Functionality, and Autoplay and Quick Bets – combine to create a rich, engaging, and strategic gaming environment. These features not only enhance the gameplay but also provide a more interactive and competitive experience, making Long Ball a top choice for players in Non Gamstop Casinos.

Visuals and Sound

Long Ball is a great choice for Non Gamstop Casino players because it has great graphics and sound effects that pull you in. The pictures are very good, with vivid and detailed images that make you feel like you’re watching a real football game. The virtual football field was carefully planned to make it feel real and interesting for players. The smooth graphics make the game more fun to play by making each round look good and be exciting.

The sound effects in Long Ball are very important to making the mood more real. It sounds like a real football game, with sounds like the ball being kicked and the crowd screaming. This makes the experience more exciting and real. The background music is carefully chosen to go with the theme of the game. It creates a lively atmosphere that keeps players interested.

For a captivating game experience, Long Ball has both high-quality graphics and sound effects that you can really feel. From the field to how the ball moves, every detail in the game is carefully thought out to make it look good and be easy to follow. The sound effects and music also add to the atmosphere, making players feel like they are in an exciting football game.

The graphics and sound design of Long Ball are big parts of why it’s so popular in the Non Gamstop Casino market. Great graphics and sound effects make for an interesting and realistic game experience that stands out. This care for detail in both the graphics and the sounds makes Long Ball a great choice for people who want to play an exciting and real gambling game.

Fairness and RNG of Long Ball

Long Ball is a reliable choice for Non Gamstop Casino players because it has a method that can be shown to be fair and a strong random number generator (RNG). The provably fair method lets players check that each round is fair. SHA-256 hash generators let players compare the validation string in the game’s history with the hash code. This makes sure that the results haven’t been changed and are truly random.

The game is even more fair because it has a high Return to Player (RTP) rate. This means that over a long period of time, players can expect to get back 96% of their total bets when they win at Long Ball. This high RTP rate is a big draw for players because it means the payouts are fair and generous, which makes the whole gaming experience better.

The RNG used in Long Ball has been tested and approved by a third party, which means that every game result is completely random and fair. This process of selection is very important for keeping players’ trust and making sure the game isn’t hacked in any way. Long Ball is a good choice for people who want to play fair Non Gamstop Casino games because it has a method that can be shown to be fair and a high RTP rate.

Long Ball stands out in the Non Gamstop Casino market because it is dedicated to fairness, as shown by its provably fair system and high RTP rate. A strong and confirmed RNG backs up the game and gives players confidence that it is honest, fair, and fun. Because it is committed to fairness, Long Ball is a popular choice among casino fans seeking a reliable gaming experience.

User Experience

Long Ball has a great user experience that makes it a great choice for people who play at Non Gamstop Casino. The layout is sleek and easy to use, and it’s meant to make it simple to get to all of the game’s features. Players can easily place bets, cash out, and use other features thanks to tools that are easy to understand and use. It’s easy to use and well-organized, so both new and expert players can enjoy the game without any problems.

Another important part of Long Ball’s user experience is that it works well on mobile devices. Because the game is designed for mobile devices, players can enjoy the same great graphics and smooth gameplay on their phones and tablets as they do on their computers. The mobile interface has all the same features as the PC version. It has touch-friendly controls that make it easy to bet, cash out, and get to game features. This makes sure that players can enjoy Long Ball while they’re on the go without losing any of the game’s features or performance.

The flexible design of the game makes sure that it works well on all devices and screen sizes. The graphics and controls work perfectly on both small smartphones and big tablets, so you can have the best game experience possible. Long Ball is playable by a wider range of people, including those who like to play on their phones and those who like to play on their computers.

Long Ball has a great user experience thanks to its easy-to-use design and seamless mobile compatibility. Players can enjoy a smooth and fun game experience whether they are at home or on the go thanks to the responsive design and easy-to-use controls. Long Ball is a great choice for Non Gamstop Casino players who want a reliable and fun game because it is designed to be easy for anyone to play.


Long Ball is an interesting and rewarding new game at Non Gamstop Casino that gives players an exciting and immersive gaming experience. Long Ball is a great game in every way. It has a unique mix of football-themed gameplay, easy but fun mechanics, and great graphics and sound. The unique parts of the game, like the Two Bets option, the Top-100 Leaderboard, the Chat feature, and Autoplay and Quick Bets, make the gameplay more interesting and fun, keeping players interested and amused. Long Ball is also committed to fairness and transparency, as shown by its high Return to Player (RTP) rate and provably fair method. This gives players confidence in the game and makes sure they have a fun and reliable time playing it. The user experience is great, with an easy-to-understand interface, seamless mobile support, and a responsive design that adapts to the wants and needs of players. Overall, Long Ball is the best choice for casino fans who want fun, fair, and profitable games in the Non Gamstop Casino market.


How do I play Long Ball?

To play Long Ball, simply select your bet amount and click the Bet button. Watch as the virtual football travels across the field, and decide when to cash out to secure your winnings.

What is the Two Bets feature?

The Two Bets feature allows players to place two different bets on the same round, each with its own strategy for cashing out. This adds a layer of strategy and flexibility to the gameplay.

Can I play Long Ball on my mobile device?

Yes, Long Ball is optimized for mobile devices, ensuring that players can enjoy the game on smartphones and tablets with the same high-quality graphics and smooth gameplay as on desktop computers.

How does the provably fair system work?

Long Ball’s provably fair system allows players to verify the fairness of each round using SHA-256 hash generators. By cross-checking the validation string provided in the game’s history with the hash code, players can ensure that the outcomes are genuinely random and not tampered with.

What is the Return to Player (RTP) rate of Long Ball?

Long Ball boasts an RTP rate of 96%, meaning that over a long period, players can expect to receive back 96% of their total bets as winnings. This high RTP rate indicates a fair and generous payout structure.

Can I chat with other players in Long Ball?

Yes, Long Ball features a chat functionality that allows players to communicate with each other, share achievements, and celebrate wins in real-time. This adds a social dimension to the gameplay and enhances the overall experience.

Is there an autoplay feature in Long Ball?

Yes, Long Ball offers an autoplay feature that allows players to set a predefined number of rounds to play automatically, along with conditions for stopping, such as reaching a certain win or loss limit. This feature is convenient for players who prefer a faster, more streamlined gaming experience.